When you buy car insurance, you probably pay the most attention to how the policy covers your vehicle. But have you ever wondered whether your auto policy covers your passengers adequately?
Here’s more on what part of your insurance protects them. You may also wish to follow up with your agent to ensure you have the coverage you need to safeguard everyone riding on your wheels.
Does Bodily Injury Insurance Cover Passengers?
Although most states require liability insurance, it typically covers neither you nor the passengers in your car. Many people misunderstand this coverage. Its purpose is to pay for passengers in another vehicle if you caused the accident. So, if you hit another car and the collision injures the driver or passengers, then this coverage might pay for their costs.
Does Full Coverage Protect Passengers in Your Car?
Typically, full coverage would protect your passengers. However, make sure the policy includes medical or uninsured/underinsured auto insurance. These are optional coverage types in most states, and many drivers choose not to pay for them. However, getting this coverage can help you protect your passengers if you cause an accident, or if the at-fault driver lacks appropriate liability insurance to cover your losses. 
Additionally, some states require Personal Injury Protection, which covers people included on your auto insurance. It helps pay for medical bills, in addition to other critical expenses, if a driver gets hurt in a wreck.
What About My Comprehensive Car Insurance?
It's easy to mix up the various types of auto insurance coverage. Many people believe comprehensive insurance will cover their passengers. But comprehensive insurance actually pays for damage to your car due to non-collision damage. It doesn't pay for bodily injuries suffered by your passengers.
Knowing the basics of how to protect your passengers can lead to a deeper understanding of your auto insurance. Contact your Automatic Insurance agent to review your coverage and make any adjustments.
How Can I Protect My Passengers?
There are several ways your policy can protect passengers injured in a car accident, including:
Medical Coverage and Uninsured/Underinsured Insurance will pay for people named on the policy as well as passengers in the vehicle. It's usually available if you already have both comprehensive and collision coverage.
Personal Injury Protection can protect your passengers. It's usually mandated in no-fault insurance states for drivers who don't have health insurance for personal injuries.
To ensure that you have the best coverage for your passengers and yourself, talk to your Stewart Kriese Insurance Agency agent. They can help you feel confident that your policy safeguards your own passengers.
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